Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 2 Making friends

Jess and Mr. Flynn surprised each other today. Mr. Flynn tried really hard to ignore her, pretending to sleep, but he found acting to be boring. She says it was very sudden that he decided she was interesting. He approached her! It didn't take him long to discover the thing in her hand was good to eat.
Since Jess works where the horses are stabled she spent several short sessions with him in between her chores. When she came back the second time she used the approach and retreat technique and in about 10 minutes she was able to pet him, in fact he really became curious and since her face is just about level with his, they looked into each others eyes and she kissed him on the nose!
The third time she went in with him, she picked up the lead rope and began putting pressure on his head, each time he turned to the pressure she gave him a click and a treat. She began taking a step with the pressure and clicking and treating as he followed. Before she left for the night she was leading him in circles around his stall.


  1. Hi Jess, Kipling is B-E-A-utiful! His is so little and cute! We are glad you two have found eachother! Good luck with his training.
